Post by Jimmy silverfish FULLA on Jan 10, 2015 8:19:28 GMT
Jesus woke up this morning and I'm 26 today feel like I'm going to die I feel so poley
Think I've coughed up a lung it's that bad,,,
Read all this and almost shat my liver out
Cheered me up lads no end
Off to work now and I'm not happy think I'll die at lunch
viking Dave not fit to suck my toes after I walloped him at Q lake. [br][br]CELL the bait that keeps on giving, [br]CELL the bait that needs jail to keep it from producing the goods [br]CELL keep mainlining it into ta arms [br][br][br]DO NOT LET VIKING DAVE NET YOUR FISH EVAN IF YOUR IN A WHEEL CHAIR WITH NO ARMS AND LEGS JUST FIND ANOTHER WAY [br][br]
Well Mikey boy, found vodka,jagger bombs or to rohypnol gets the misses in the mood,failing that just tie her up and gag her. She may struggle a bit but it will add to the fun. The bonus is the gagg will prevent her gobbing off and the ropes give you a head start.